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Currently residing as a Houston transplant, I am a California-native who spent much of my childhood appreciating all the amenities the great outdoors has to offer. As it had been deeply engrained in my nature, I developed an affinity (read as: obsession) well into my adult life for trekking and exploring this beautiful earth for no other reason than it sparking joy, bringing me internal peace and nourishment for my soul. This too, has lead me to seek and survey other parts of the world outside of North America.
I will never forget my first solo international trip. I’m sure no one ever does. Facing fears of the unknown and immersing yourself in the culture, cuisine, arts and spiritual practices of a new destination are all very transformative experiences. I found it to be more enriching and unique to assimilate myself in the Japanese community as a local rather than superficially just seeing the sights and passing through the country itself. Interacting with the people reconnected me with feelings of gratitude and helped me realize a newfound respect for the country, its people and their culture.
For me, it has never been about changing who I am to fit into a space, but instead, has always been about understanding myself on a deeper level and seeking out places that allow me to be the most authentic version of myself.